Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Backpack Of Life Lessons

My Backpack of Life Lessons

As I fill my backpack  the night before  my first day of school,
I start to think and wonder what I should fill it with,
So I look like I am  really cool.

As I start to fill it,
I start to realize,
It’s OK to fill it with unique and crazy things,
That look beautiful only to my eyes.

I start by putting in a photo of a beaver,
One that lives in the park as my neighbor right beside me,
Because I have learned from  watching him build his house
If I want a better life I got to work hard, be creative,
And have a lot of  tenacity.

I then decide to put in a photo of a hawk,
That is searching high above  the ground for food,
As high as he can be,
Because he reminds me that  I got to search for knowledge and wisdom,
Without being scared by the weird and crazy things that I hear and see.

I chose to put a photo of a baby deer in my backpack for me to look back and see,
Because I want to remember,
That even in times of devastation and turmoil.
I got to be patient so I can see the beauty that is hiding in between the trees.

I chose to put a  photo of a chipmunk  in my backpack for  me to look back and  see,
Because that  chipmunk  had just chucked an acorn at a person as to way to protect himself,
just like I got to remember I need to  stop the bullies from hurting me.

I chose to put a photo of my garden in my backpack for me  to look back and  see,
Because love makes a garden and a relationship  grow strong and beautiful,
Love for myself, my family, and friends is something I strive to achieve.
It’s something very important to me.

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